Quite suddenly and unexpectedly colic hit Andrew’s little horse, Sasha.
Unfortunately the battle to save her was lost.
This little mare has taught Andrew a lot. She was  honest, hardy, reliable, safe and faithful.
Sasha put her heart and soul into every task that Andrew put in front of her.
May heaven have lots of green grass for you little grey mare.

 I took this photo as we rode home on Thursday afternoon. Never in a million years, did I realise this would be their last ride home.

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 27/09/2014 Erin said:

    Oh no! tragic! Imagine he is devastated:(

  • On 27/09/2014 Maria said:

    Very sorry to hear that. How precious every photo can be.

  • On 28/09/2014 Old Nev said:

    Very sorry. We have several old faithfuls buried on our place. Each loss is a tradgety. Condolences to your son.

  • On 28/09/2014 Fiona said:

    So very sorry Ainsley.
    I think we all have a terrible colic tale to tell, such a cruel, quick and serious affliction, all too common.
    Our thoughts are with you all.

  • On 28/09/2014 Jane S said:

    This is heart breaking Ainsley, it makes your photos even more precious.

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