Adelaide celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday. Amongst school and helping Dad turn cattle out, she enjoyed a colouring in book, a journal, hair clips, strawberry lip balm and a vibrantly coloured Unicorn.
We were fortunate to have a cattle agent join us for morning tea to help with the rendition of Happy Birthday. I’m sure he didn’t mind sharing the marble cake laden with sprinkles!
Holly, Adelaide’s horse, shared in the spoils as well with a new pink bridle and halter to match.

 Adelaide is a most determined little rider and is insistent on joining her older brothers at every mustering opportunity. Distance travelled, length of ride and size of paddock or mob are no deterrent.
She is now able to direct and control her horse independently.
As well as keep an eye on the direction of the mob of cattle and watch for stray calves.
Her little legs urge Holly forward and mostly Holly cooperates by trotting along.
Occasionally, she falls a little behind. Hamish, aged 6 came to the rescue to help her catch up. Holly was feeling a little tired and would have preferred to stay at home!
Once back with the mob of cattle, Holly was happy to take her position with Adelaide on the tail, chasing stragglers along.

Watching these two help each and work together today, was beautiful. Birthdays are a milestone for sure, but are also a wonderful opportunity to make someone feel very special.

There are 8 comments on this article:

  • On 27/05/2014 sharon said:

    Happy Birthday Adelaide! Lots of lovely pink things for a very big girl…Mum should have given you a nice headband too to keep those pesky curls out of your face when riding Holly 😉

  • On 28/05/2014 sharon said:

    ps if I were a cattle buyer I reckon I’d be quite happy to be greeted by birthday cake for smoko!

  • On 28/05/2014 Jac Jack said:

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  • On 28/05/2014 Jac Jack said:

    What a beautiful family you have! Happy birthday Adelaide!

  • On 28/05/2014 Jac Jack said:

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  • On 28/05/2014 Bonita said:

    Too cute!

  • On 28/05/2014 Fiona said:

    Hope you had a wonderful day Adelaide … as I’ve no doubt you would have with all those attentive admirers. The cake looks gorgeous! I’m a big fan of both marble cake and ring cakes … perfect combo.

  • On 28/05/2014 Erin said:

    Loved the pink halter:) an all pink girl. Happy Birthday:)

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