While the cat’s away the mice will play…….
And this little mouse had a great game with her three brothers out of the picture!

Rather than leave the  kids’ buggy sitting idle in the shed, this little munchkin decided it was too good an opportunity to miss. A solo drive with no “expert”, “bossy” passengers….
Barely able to see over the bonnet she drove around the garden, only requiring Dad’s assistance to negotiate the corner.

Dad even had to break into a jog to keep up….

Next trip, down to the yards and back….

trouble being the boys are home again!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 14/01/2013 Fiona said:

    You stay safe Miss Adelaide.
    You’re doing a remarkable job keeping that lawn green Ainsley. 11 mm here in a storm last night, was super exciting having to jump out of bed and close louvres. How did you fare?

  • On 30/01/2013 Marvis Carswell said:

    She’s so adorable! For a kid so young like her, it’s unusual yet so cute to see her enjoying the mini tractor. She obviously loves being at the back of the steering wheel. Oh, I think she’ll be a great driver someday! :’>

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