……. for a girl who loves her horses.
2013 Stockmans Challenge at Paradise Lagoons
Dry Work: 60
(top effort considering the technical glitches!)
The cheer squad who rode the pattern with her….
The cutting phase: 68

The first deep cut, singling out her chosen cow …..

……now to get to work.

…..the second beast.

Good job Ben

Finished:  a big smile and thanks to her “coaches” and “herd holders”
Wet work (campdraft phase): 68
While I have no ‘quality’ photos of this ride under the Paradise lights, it was a credit to our iconic cowgirl. 
With two more horse loving girls in the family, Dad set to work to purchase another four year old at the Landmark Horse Sale held in conjunction with Paradise Lagoons.
All from his armchair, whilst watching the cricket, drinking tea and following the auction on Twitter. Tess, of course, was in the crowd with the bidders card and had done all the homework..
Monty has now settled into the McArthur stable, she has bought extremely well!

Tess has now returned to Uni in Brisbane to complete the second last semester of her degree. Her beloved horse, Ben, has returned home for a much earned spell. 
We’ve all returned home and settled into our routines, looking forward to the mid-semester break.
Maybe this little girl will be walking then?

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 22/07/2013 sharon said:

    talk about multi tasking Rob! you are a rare man indeed 😉

    Eliza’s a smart cookie – why walk when the siblings can do so much for her?!

  • On 22/07/2013 Fiona said:

    Beautiful images Ainsley.
    By the pain in my knees most nights, I think perhaps Miss Eliza has the right idea to stay non-vertical as long as possible!
    Hope you’re all coping without your big girl.

  • On 22/07/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    The first image captures young Tess beautifully…as do your words.

  • On 28/07/2013 Vanisha @ Vanishas Life In...Australia said:

    What a lovely blog Ainsley – it’s so nice to be able to see your family after hearing you speak about them on Friday. Looking forward to reading more!

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