We’re embracing the eventual arrival of wintery conditions. Clear blue skies and crispy mornings with sneaky breezes have meant doonas are on beds and socks are on our feet. 
School has adjourned to the verandah when we start at 7.30. The sun then quickly chases any winter chills away. I have been known to nod off on a few occasions this week, while listening to a Prep or Year 1 child read, decipher new words and reflect on a rather bland story from a Supplementary reader. It’s the warmth of the sun, I’m sure…….
The morning runs have continued with Rob now joining in with the fun. While I’m like a tortoise he seems to have the hare gene.  We’ve set our goal on the 14km City to Surf in Sydney mid August. Nothing like a challenge to keep the motivation high!
Andrew has embraced Junior Beef preparation again. He has selected and broken this weaner steer to lead all by himself. 
Lachlan has chosen a steer as well …. his is a little less willing.
Adelaide still hasn’t lost her enthusiasm for riding …. today we trotted out to shift a few rogue cows from the wrong paddock. She chatted all the way.
We’ve school sports on Friday …. there’s been very little training apart from an occasional ballgame contest and a high jump over the garden hose tied between two trees. Lots of loom banding happening in team colours though ….. house spirit is alive and well.
Other than that, I’m continually amazed by the beauty of the landscape and the glorious skies and lament the fact that it is only the iPhone in my pocket rather than the DSLR.

And that my friends, is a mid week update.

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 18/06/2014 Erin said:

    Love the pics and the peak at your mid week happenings. Impressed you start at 7.30! makes sense though. I usually aim to start around 8 -8.30 at the latest. Not today though, off to take a big boy in for his driver’s test! the years fly.

  • On 19/06/2014 strongbow said:

    I have often wondered what you use to take your photos with. I love my phone camera. thanks for sharing your lives with us.

  • On 19/06/2014 Maria said:

    Makes a difference when Dad comes along too when he might not otherwise. Looks like the boys are having fun with their steers.

  • On 20/06/2014 sharon said:

    iphone photo is far better than no photo at all. I will tell The Husband here about Rob’s new “spare time” occupation (he regards running as a necessary evil if being chased by a particularly cranky cow – normally stands his ground – or some vital piece of machinery sounds like it might blow up!)

    After a couple of days of evilly cold wind, it has settled and today is glorious clear blue skies and lovely sunning weather, dogs and chooks alike are basking in the sun.

  • On 21/06/2014 CountryMum said:

    Lovely photos. Particularly love the one of Andrew and his steer, he has him standing up so perfectly.

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