Can you believe 2013 is drawing rapidly to a close?
We’ve ridden the waves of another year, sometimes it felt quite turbulent and sometimes it seemed smooth sailing. 
I love looking back at my photos and my blog …. it certainly seems we’ve kept smiling, grown stronger and are excited by the possibilities and opportunities ahead.
I’ve made up a little slideshow of some of my favourite moments to share …..
2013-SD (480p) from Ainsley McArthur on Vimeo.

And another little flipagram of the ordinary instants that for us are the extraordinary bits we want to remember….

May your 2014 be Happy and Bountiful xx

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 31/12/2013 sharon said:

    lovely videos, both of them. Love looking back over the year. There’s one brilliant shot of you and rob in the first one – its a keeper. I do hope you have it printed out and on your wall!

  • On 31/12/2013 Anne Wheaton said:

    This looks like fun. Each year I get a book printed with the “best of the year” moments but I’ll have to get more creative this year as well, having seen these. Wishing you a happy and bountiful 2014, too. Looking forward to reading more of life at Mystery Park.

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