This one is for the baby book that I’ve never kept….
Eliza has attracted a lot of attention with her unusual “crawling”. Strangers even stop to comment and mostly they are bemused. Many believe that as she is the youngest, we all carry her and hence her lateness to walk. I just smile (cause nothing could be further than the truth) and politely say “McArthur children are renown for being late out of the walking blocks!”
Am I concerned?  Not a bit!
So although her siblings don’t carry Eliza anywhere, they are all very eager to hold her hand as she finds her feet. They are encouraging and congratulatory at her every step.

Isn’t it funny how little ones transform from a baby to a toddler instantly, when they stand?

She is really just one of the ‘gang’ now!

I’m a little pleased that the end is in sight to trousers with no bottom left in them although I guess I have holes in the knees to now look forward to.

Welcome to the world of toddlers Eliza!

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