Eliza is our 6th baby and is pretty cruisy. That is, as long as her Mum is not too far away…
Being our last, I try really hard to sit down and soak up the “baby” moments that are so delicous yet are such fleeting moments in our children’s life.

Imagine my surprise, when I popped my finger in her mouth today and discovered a tooth emerging from her gums!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 19/07/2012 Fiona said:

    The problem being Ainsley … there’s room in your blog-header for one more!

  • On 19/07/2012 sharon said:

    nothing like a little encouragement is there Fiona, who I am sure can find room in her own blog header for more as well!

    mind you, after the past two nights with the wounded boy and a girl with a virus, I am very very certain I could not go back to 1. waddling around pregnant and 2. those sleepless nights.

    Although with a baby like Eliza, who pops up a tooth without a blink, one could be excused I suppose. I say go for it Ainsley 🙂

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