1. Monkey bars mishaps at mini school have meant Lachlan is out of the workforce for 6 weeks.
2. While I’m in the schoolroom with the older four, Eliza has been helping her Dad with the electric fence project. 
3. Lessons have been learnt about electric fences, moisture and non rubber soled boots. 

4. With the electric fencing coming along quickly we’ve been able to master the 42 day rest period on the pangola. Moving the mob to their fresh paddock is a fun after school activity.

5. We’re taking lots of photos of the green grass to remind us in the drier season.
5. Also finding time after school for some cross country training. Everyone is joining in…..

6. Although the days are fast shortening, we still squeeze in time for a little cricket practice.

7. I’m sticking with my exercise ritual in the morning and working hard at a goal to run 10km.
 Some days I have to deal with traffic.
8. All in all, the days are full, and a whole lot of instants help fill our heart with gratitude. 
Lucky really.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 16/03/2014 Maria said:

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Kids can have such a different perspective on things when taking photos.

    Love seeing all the green….. (sigh)

  • On 16/03/2014 sharon said:

    the little “instant’ moments are what make up our whole – life. Great collection of images and memories 🙂 Hope Lachlan is coping OK with the cast!

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