Our Easter plans were always going to involve horses, for weeks ago we had arranged a visit to my sister’s property to deliver a horse. When I was made aware that our visit with one horse would coincide with the annual Pasha Easter Ride, we decided to take a truck load of horses so that our kids could join in the fun!

The Pasha Easter Trek is quite simply a ride that brings the families of the district together so that the children, quite often away at boarding school or Uni for the school term, may re acquaint with all their mates. And what better time of year than Easter, to do this.

The weather has cooled, just a little. More often than not, the country is fresh and the Suttor River has a gentle flow. A perfect time of year for a 13km ride.

 After a shared morning tea in the beautiful garden at the Pasha Homestead, the riding contingent saddled their horses and set out along the road.

Photo taken by Paula Heelan

The support crew was ample, with some carrying cool drinks and a horse trailer collecting a couple of tired rider’s and their steeds. Or in my case, a recharge for the iPhone so that I could continue to get some happy snaps!

I didn’t do a total head count of both riders and their entourage, but needless to say, there were lots!
For my parents, there was only one of their 12 Grandchildren not riding (& she is spending Easter in Nebraska. USA)

With horses unsaddled, watered and tethered in the shade, the larks began……
Photo taken by Paula Heelan
while those a bit wearier enjoyed the shade, a sandwich and some good company.
If you would like to view some more pics taken on the Easter Horse Trek, Paula Heelan, Freelance writer and photographer, has captured the day beautifully. Visit   http://www.pbase.com/heelan

After an Easter Egg Scramble Hunt on Sunday morning and a quick look at some yearling bulls we loaded the horses (plus 2 pups…) and headed East for home. 

A quick feed for the menagerie (animals, that is, not kids!!) and a couple of loads of washing in the machine and we headed down the road to spend the afternoon and evening on the banks of a coastal stream. 
Kids splashed in the water, grown ups enjoyed a few drinks and then we cooked some dinner fireside.
The perfect end to a week-end…..

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 1/04/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    Looks like a fabulous day to be a part of Ainsley and Rob….

  • On 1/04/2013 sharon said:

    and I bet you are all ab-solutely knackered now, but in a great way. That ride sounds great (but 13kms, I would have a very sore bum, its not as tough as it used to be 😉

  • On 1/04/2013 sharon said:

    ps some gorgeous photos of your family by Paula, esp Rob and Adelaide!

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