The last week in June again heralded the Junior Beef Show. It has almost become tradition in our family as this was our 8th! A huge congratulations and thanks to the organising committee, most of who have been involved since the show’s inception some 22 years ago.
Again the felt hats were abundant, as around 140 kids, listened, paraded, learnt, judged, cooked and spoke about all things beef related.
A little innovation this year, was the netball like bibs with a number on it. Our boys were 2, 10 and 38 meaning Hamish was the second youngest competitor, Lachlan was the 10th youngest and Andrew came in at 38! Certainly made for easy identification amongst all those felt hats…..

There is plenty of preparation prior to the event if taking along your own cattle. The boys had halter broke and taught to lead four Angus/Brahman/Belmont steers this year. Feeding and caring and taming them has kept them occupied many afternoons….
Must also not forget to mention the time spent by Dad shaping the felt hat….
Each competitor is given the opportunity to express his opinion on a class of four animals. Such a great experience as they gather evidence and articulate their thoughts to an audience of peers and proud parents. 

For the younger ones, it is a little tricky to decipher your scribbled notes. That is where the older children step up to offer encouragement. Hamish was quite teary before his turn and was just about to throw in the towel when this young man stepped in and rescued us from a potential “chuck a wobbly”. 
He wisely told Hamish to just pretend that there is only Mum and the overjudge to speak to!

Love how these two have the place order of the bulls they are speaking about scribbled on the back of their hands…

I think this is Lachlan’s 3rd year of participating. He confidently took the microphone and offered his opinion…..

…… until he stumbled on a little of his own spelling?!

Andrew relished his last year as a Peewee (under 10).
He still has a few more years left in the sports coat though!

Eliza was content to listen from the sidelines.
 Must invest in a felt hat for next year!

In between judging events, it was a flurry of action in the cattle sheds….
with animals to feed, water and bed down. 

So many industrious little workers with wheelbarrows, rakes and shovels….

The final day of the show is “show day”. 
Animals are paraded in front of an expert judge in their respective classes. 

And part of the success on show day is due to the paraders’ prowess. 
Although an obliging animal (and Dad) certainly helps….

Andrew pricked his ears when he was called to the front line….

…. and his steer pricked his ears when they were awarded a fourth ribbon!

Lachlan and his steer, ‘Lockyer’, sometimes struggled to grab the judges attention…..height could have been an issue!

For Hamish, he soon tired of keeping his ‘elbow high’ and eye on the judge.

 He smiled for his Mum’s camera instead….

Now home again, dinner table conversation has been centred on what went well and what could be better in our preparation for  2014 Junior Beef. 
All I will say is that we’re going to have to do some more shaping of that felt hat!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 4/07/2013 sharon said:

    that felt hat was a winner, just like it is…and what a champion young man that stepped in to give some moral support when needed. No idea who the lad was but his parents should be proud.

    And what a feat Junior Beef is, so many youngsters and young cattle that possibly could get a little excited! Bet that the kids slept well each night!

  • On 7/07/2013 Ali said:

    Very beautiful photos and kids. You must be so proud!

    Ali in Switz, sending your cool morning alpine air greetings

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