It’s time to pull down the paintings, pack away the resources and declutter the cupboards cause the end of the school year is close.
It’s the promise of no school routine, the lure of working outside and the sniff of Christmas cheer that has got us through this last week. Another week and I think we’ll expire  so while officially still school term, the McArthur classroom is paring back to basics. A few magic word games here, a shared story there and of course a few fast maths facts when it comes to mind and that will be it.
With two swimming carnivals on the horizon, we will find time in the day to do a little training.
Providing we have the cattle mustered, drafted and loaded out first of course…..
The season has improved rapidly here. Storms have delivered just short of 6 inches of rain for November. High humidity in between showers has ensured the grass is sweet and lush.
The veggie patch continues to deliver, Hamish being chief harvester. Today he brought in beetroot.
He and Adelaide have been busy with earthworks in the sandpit ……
when not helping Eliza capture pesky piglets!
I’ve continued to use the pool as a bargaining tool to keep Andrew on the lawn mower,

….. and have discovered the splash free time in the pool coincides with the kids doing their chores.

I know this time next week, I’ll wonder how we ever found time in the day to do a full day’s school!

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 29/11/2013 Fiona said:

    I hope school break means more blog posts Ainsley.
    Yours always brighten my day.

  • On 29/11/2013 Chookyblue...... said:

    everyone is always so pleased to get to the end of the last school term………..needing a break……..glad you have had some rain….hope it continues……….can’t strike a fall here………..

  • On 30/11/2013 sharon said:

    oh your garden looks lovely. We can’t wait to finish either.

  • On 8/12/2013 Kel said:

    I just found your blog via the Country Style article. It is lovely to have a little insight into your family’s life through your posts. I also have daughters named Adelaide and Eliza but we live in Hobart so quite a difference in climate! Enjoy the break from the schooling routine.

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