Our Winter Holidays have just come to a close. You could hardly call them winter holidays as Winter seems to have taken leave and made way for some warmer almost spring like weather.
But the end of holidays means the school routine has well and truly kicked in.
My favourite part of the day is now late afternoon.
A time when I can potter a little in the vegie patch, pull out a few (hundred) weeds, chat to our resident Kookaburra and search for some vegetable accompaniments for dinner.
The muster to pregnancy test cows is still in progress, so most afternoons cows drift into the lane and down to the yards in preparation for drafting the next day.
It has become a regular afternoon activity for the boys. Catch a horse, saddle up, gather the cows and push them into the yards.
And if you’re lucky, you might be finished before the sunsets over the hill.

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 9/07/2013 Ali said:

    I find it incredible how you and other Aussie rural families get their kids working happily and effectively so young. It is very, very impressive. I can’t say I’m homesick – because I’m so happy where I am – but the posts take me back to Australia in a flash. The romance of the bush…

    Very impressed!

  • On 11/07/2013 Ainsley said:

    So pleased you enjoy the snippets of our life in the bush! The world really is a small place, isn’t it?

  • On 10/07/2013 Fiona said:

    Ainsley, your vege garden looks wonderful. My only flourishing vegetable, a large pumpkin vine, with what appears to be a hundred close to ripe pumpkins attached, was marauded by an escaped sow two nights ago! Expect a phone call!

  • On 11/07/2013 Ainsley said:

    Uh oh! Hint taken ….. will give you a call and offer some of our pumpkins as well!!

  • On 11/07/2013 sharon said:

    your vege patch looks wonderful, amazing stuff that rain for making things grow so much better than just watering!

    and isn’t it nice to get back into that routine?

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