Week one of the school holidays have flown past.
It has been one of early starts and late finishes, not that we’d have it any other way!

With the house relatively spotless following the Garden Design Day and the lawn mowing under control and no school routine to adhere to, I’ve particularly enjoyed the chance to help out in the paddock … all day!

Earlier in the week we mustered steers to sell. 

My horse, Monty, has now got the gist of Instagram and posing for photos … he pricks his ears on cue to help frame the picture!!

With the steers drafted, weighed and the heavier ones trucked away, we moved onto a few timely mob shifts. The cattle are quite accustomed to their moves. It really is just a matter of riding out into the paddock, gathering them together and moving the herd onto fresh, rested pasture. More often than  not, it only takes one or two of us to do.

 Great riding opportunities for the kids….

Again, Monty pricks his ears on cue ….. he’s a clever horse!

The days have been glorious, warm and quite humid, perfect grass growing weather.  A few of the bulls, with their breeding duties now complete, have been retired for the season to the pool …..

We began cloud watching mid week as the Bureau of Meteorology began tracking Cyclone Ita.

We weren’t deterred with the shifts as the cloud thickened but the executive decided to delay weaning until the influence passed by.

Lachlan wasn’t phased by that as he is due to have his plaster removed. He’s negotiated with Andrew to have his horse ridden (to take the ‘buck’ out of her) so that he may then step back in the saddle once the yards dry out.
Again, the murraya bush didn’t let us down with it’s forecast ….

… and rain tumbled down over the week-end. 

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 15/04/2014 sharon said:

    well I can’t say that our mock orange failed, presenting a huge 4 (FOUR) mm in total from the skirts of Ita.

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