Eliza’s cot is still in our room. 
At two and a half, I guess she probably could move out of the cot, and out of our room for that matter!
Problem is that we have no bed in a room for her.
She’s not overly worried, as more often than not she doesn’t spend the whole night in that cot ….
Seems I’ve shared my pillow with a baby for years.
 I really don’t mind one little bit xx

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 7/05/2014 sharon said:

    and how could you be worried about waking up beside that scrumptious little face 😀

  • On 7/05/2014 Chookyblue...... said:

    Hope you have a king size bed……so cute…

  • On 8/05/2014 Fiona said:

    I wouldn’t mind either Ainsley.

  • On 9/05/2014 Finch Family said:

    There’s something so precious about a warm little body snuggled in beside you…when they’re not wriggling like an octopus.

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