The post festive season detox has started in earnest with the team climbing back into the saddle (or buggy seat for me & my littlest girls) to begin the branding muster. 
After gathering the gals together with their babes close beside, we yard them into a water cooler to “cool down”.

We were a couple of hands short for this muster as Rob did a quick trip to our other property. Lucky these little men work so well together with big sister Tess as their director and of course the little girls and I were close by to open gates and spot strays.

While the cattle “cooled” in their cooler, we found a nice little spot to have a cuppa. Tess and the boys stumbled upon this sweet spot while mustering. We’re all looking forward to the “proper” wet season, when fresh water will replenish these muddy holes.

In the meantime, all of us were thankful for the shade and a chance to wipe our sweaty brow. The summer humidity is alive and kicking!

We are anticpating an early start to brand these calves tomorrow.

Tonight we enjoyed pea and ham soup, the last reminder of Christmas!!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 3/01/2013 sharon said:

    it was humid here for about a day and a half and then it has plummented back down to 13% which is a bit extreme…it will rain…it will rain…

    your kids do a great job…mine are aways off being really useful, but we (read he) is always in such a rush to get things done they don’t get to help too much.

  • On 3/01/2013 Fiona said:

    It certainly is hot and humid at the moment … which can only mean one thing … surely! The ten day forecast had been looking good, though I’m told this morning it’s gone. Fingers crossed for a change.

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