A very welcome 4″ of rain fell here last week.
Perfect amount to wash the dust from our eyes and give the grass a kickstart.
No water has run into the creeks yet, but holes are starting to fill.
May the monsoons arrive in earnest in February…..
Our paddocks are now receiving a sixty day rest period between grazes.
This means that cattle are shifted more frequently.
Lucky for school holidays and a willing and able workforce!
Each cattle movement is recorded so we keep track of number of cattle and their location. The traditional “Cooper’s notebook” has given way here to the iPhone and an app called iHerd. 
It’s a great decoy when fellow musterers suggest you may be browsing Facebook or Instagram!!
Cattle sales have cranked into gear for the New Year. Our first mob destined for the abbatoir on Monday. 
Tess has spent her late afternoons riding the young horses she broke last week. They are both going freely although as I type Tess is lying in bed a little battered and bruised. No fault of either the horse or rider …. they just parted company. I remember Mum saying once, that you’re not a good rider until you’ve fallen off! Not sure that will go down well with her ……
In between riding, mustering and drafting, the boys have been cutting fenceposts with Rob.
We’ve a couple of new projects and an endless amount of fences to repair this year.

Alas you think it’s all work and no play here.
We’ve a new batch of chickens to care for …….

…… and of course a swimming pool to cool off, splash about and jump around in!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 15/01/2014 sharon said:

    learning days for horse and jockeys….I dare say its pride more dinted than body! These days I seek out the calmest of steeds, at Tess’s age it never used to be a problem to fall off! Tripping up the steps is exciting enough for me now! 😉

    So lush and green, so restful for the eyes….

  • On 15/01/2014 Maria said:

    A great sight a truck of cattle to abbatoirs going out a lush green driveway…..hope the bruising subsides quickly – we have one sore and sorry lad also just one of those things. Hope you get those wet monsoons

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