Tess arrived home on her mid semester break Thursday evening. Amongst the Easter celebrations we began the weaning muster. 
There is no shortage of capable horsemen here!
I think we need another saddle, as even Eliza isn’t keen to stay at the house.
Good Friday saw us walk the cows the first part of the way toward the yards. They marched along the  road like toy soldiers. Tess took the lead, Andrew just off the point to help her, while Lachlan and Hamish managed a wing each leaving Adelaide and I to follow on the tail and keep any calves that had lost Mum in the crowd walking along. Rob and Eliza were on the Ranger dealing with a flat tyre!
The cows settled into a fresh paddock not too far from the house yards as the sun dropped over the range. We would regather them on Monday, to walk the rest of the way.
Saturday was more a maintenance type day, both out in the paddock and around the house. The kids were kept busy turning tissue boxes and shoe boxes into nests for Easter Bunny. I was kept busy cursing the bunny who had eaten all my parsley, coriander and rosemary in the garden.

At least we have plenty of pork to enjoy although this fellow I think is mostly bacon and ham.

Easter Sunday was celebrated on the bank of a running creek with a BBQ, a glass of champagne, great friends, running water and lots of good food. Just perfect ………

Sunrise Monday, which really isn’t that early now as the days are shortening, saw me head down the road on my run. The cows have become quite used to my jog along the road and barely prick their ears.

While I recovered from my exercise, Tess had the kids all saddled and mounted. One of my favourite parts of the school holidays has been all the riding we have done together. It really has made our 
staycation memorable.
Time spent in the saddle has meant Adelaide is becoming a more independent rider …….
…….. and is happy to trot up the wing.
Sometimes she is a little frustrated by Holly’s obsession with fresh grass. All that trotting is making the old girl hungry!

But mostly she smiles and carries on.

Having a big sister to look up to and encourage her certainly helps.

With cattle yarded for smoko, the rest of the day was spent in the yards. Drafting, weighing, drafting, weighing until Eliza grizzled something about lunch.

After a spell at the house and a couple of chocolate eggs the team were ready to get back to work, drafting and weighing, drafting and weighing.

Tomorrow we are back to school and Dad will have to arrange some of the work around school hours. The kids are already looking out the schoolroom window wishing they were down in the action, and I haven’t even opened the new Unit …

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 22/04/2014 Fiona said:

    I’m sure you will all tackle Term 2 with the vim and vigour your family deal with every situation Ainsley. We’ve a fat piggy destined for the cold room in the next week or two as well … the kids are turning up their noses at ‘bought bacon’.

  • On 22/04/2014 sharon said:

    I like the “recover from your exercise”…. I have vision of you flopped on the couch in a puddle of sweaty exhaustion, when in reality you have probably just had a refreshing shower, dropped your lorna jane running gear in the machine and are serenely having a coffee whilst the strapper fetches your horse (kids are so handy for that, mine are reluctant to embrace the finer points of saddler – why would you when the slave ie mum, can do it?!)

  • On 22/04/2014 Anne Wheaton said:

    I sympathise with Adelaide’s grass greedy mount – brings back memories of frantically tugging at the reins of my fat little pony. Not surprised they don’t want to go back to the schoolroom; I wouldn’t either.

  • On 22/04/2014 William Walker said:

    This was super cute to see! I love the pictures of your children. Their outfits are the best! I need to take more pictures like this of my children. http://www.arverandahs.com.au/

  • On 26/04/2014 Chookyblue...... said:

    looks like a great weekend full of fun activities………….

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