The week-end just gone we participated in the annual, local camp draft.
The weather was picture perfect.
(I must be a grazier, as I always seem to open my blog posts with a snippet of weather observations!?)

Campdrafting is a uniquely Australian sport. 
A contest between a horse and his rider and a beast that has to be segregated from the mob and then manoeuvred in a clover leaf pattern around some pegs.
Lots of fun and a great family sport to be involved in.
Also a wonderful occasion in a small community as it brings the constituents together.
Tess, has worked hard this year, with a four year old gelding called Bend ‘n Spin or Big Ben for short.
Together they’ve done a lot of miles and hours mustering here at home.
Tess had an early draw on Saturday morning, meaning her family weren’t all gathered in the grand stand to cheer. However, Andrew skilfully captured her first run on the iPhone.
Now while it wasn’t a winning run. the footage is priceless. I just love Andrew’s commentary!

A little later in the morning, with the whole family now organised in the grandstand, Tess and Ben pulled this run out of the hat! A personal best score of 88  which was duly rewarded with equal 3rd.
How exciting!

Andrew and Lachlan both competed in the Junior Draft, an event for those aged 12 and under.
This draft always seems to pull a crowd of spectators,
the littlest cowboys and cowgirls are always cute.
Lachlan rode Shikara and was justifiably proud of his cut-out. It was rewarded with a competitors ribbon and soft drink voucher….

After being such a useful strapper for Tess, and listening to her advice carefully, Andrew pulled this ride out of his hat. He and Patriot scored  a BLUE ribbon, new saddlecloth and some prize money….

In a typical humble Andrew way, he is still speaking highly of his fellow competitors and at the same time doing a very happy dance!

What a great day out!
We’re now heading to Paradise Lagoons to watch Tess ride in the Stockman’s Challenge.
The pond is a lot bigger and deeper there….

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 17/07/2013 sharon said:

    Big Ben and Tess are a great combination – what a kind and soft fellow he is. They needed that first run to work out where to hit em on the second peg! Nice line of cattle to draft by the looks too.

    Those kids horses are just lovely too, Shakira was just perfect for Lachlan – love the words of encouragement for the kids from the sidelines. I love the Mini/Junior draft too, everyone cheers and helps them out, with riders on the inside of the arena out here just to give a helping hand if need be.

    Good luck at Paradise – if nothing else I hope that Tess can continue her good run of scores for personal satisfaction (once upon a time 88 was THE winning score, not THIRD!)

  • On 17/07/2013 Fiona said:

    How wonderful to have these runs captured on video Ainsley. Tess was probably muttering some “don’t you dares” under her breath too I’m sure. I can’t believe that Tess and Big Ben’s run in the encouragement only warranted a tied third. Poetry in motion.
    Congratulations to all.
    No matter the pond size, what did Dory say “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…”

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