The week-end just gone, we joined our Pony Club friends for a trail ride in the mountains and a camp over on the banks of the Connors River.
At the moment our family is feeling a little like the mouse on the wheel…you know that analogy where the mouse runs faster and the wheel spins faster and your going nowhere….
so a sleep out under the stars with family and friends, no technology and a fire for warmth was just what a good doctor would recommend….
Following a cut lunch at the gathering point, young and old mounted their steeds and rode across open grazing paddocks, 
through trickling streams and
along timber lined cattle pads.
A koala was spotted.
 A misplaced camp oven full of chocolate treats was conveniently stumbled upon…
Just as the sun dropped in the sky, the campsite was reached.
Horses were tethered and fed and the kids set about making a fire. 
These two little mates, left the fire stoking to pull up a log, throw a line in the water and watch the sun set.
After enjoying dinner cooked on the open fire and toasting or in some instances frying marshmallows, the chairs were gathered a little closer to the fire. Young Jack pulled out his guitar and began to strum.
He quickly claimed idol status amongst the 8 year girls as he played a long to their renditions of Taylor Swift.
Now at this point, I must confess that Eliza, Adelaide and I didn’t actually camp out. WIth lingering colds and chesty coughs, we gladly accepted the offer of our host to stay in their home….
Yes, I know, I’m disqualified!!
When Rob told me that it was far better than 5 star accomodation cause it was in actual fact billions of stars overhead, I decided that once we don’t have small children, I’d be in it. (Of course the weather would have to be near perfect…)
           Now, cause I didn’t actually camp, I can’t attest to how cold it really was the next morning…
 but I did snap this so I’m guessing it was about 11 degrees fresh.
After a breakfast of bacon, eggs and billy tea the onerous task of packing up got underway.
With many hands on the job, it wasn’t too painful….that would come later as we emptied our bags of smoke drenched clothes beside the washing machine!
The McArthur’s cut their adventure short as they had to jump bak on that silly old treadmill but most pony club members enjoyed a ride back to the homestead and the some shared smoko before heading back to the “real world”.
It really was a perfect way to spend a week-end.
A huge thank-you to the Day family and the CC Pony Club.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 27/05/2013 sharon said:

    what a great community! we don’t have any mountains to ride over but we do have a bike ride…does that count?! And yes I’m with you, fat swag mattress and ideal weather conditions are required for camping-under-the-stars! (how soft are we getting in our old age!)

  • On 28/05/2013 Fiona said:

    Gorgeous photos Ainsley (think I tell you that every post). Remember when you start to feel you’re juggling too many balls … you’ve just got to start throwing them higher!

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