Have loved having my iPhone in my pocket this muster. Partly because I m hardly game to take the new camera out in the paddock for believe it or not it is dusty although you wouldn’t think that it could be dusty looking at this picture of Andrew riding up the wing….
Our wet season is a little late this year although many old timer’s reckon January can be a bugger of a month for rain. We’ve been very fortunate around the house to score timely showers  to green things up.

It isn’t quite as pretty in all the paddocks and the first calf heifers are starting to struggle to maintain their body condition while raising a calf. Contingency plans are drawn up to wean a little earlier this year….
Andrew, Lachlan, Hamish & Adelaide have only 10 days before their mustering season finishes and they hang up their boots, spurs and hats to return to the schoolroom. Eliza has thought it a good idea to practice her riding skill on a cow in the kitchen as she contemplates filling the gaps left by her older siblings….

The workforce is fast diminishing as Tess has less than 3 weeks left with us until she embarks on her trip to the USA.
Our days have been long and hot and in typical farm family style the words and language haven’t always been kind and not every instance has been pleasant.
But the best part about having a camera in my pocket is that I only ever capture the good bits and of course that is all the instances we want to take forward…

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 18/01/2013 Fiona said:

    Sound advice … only take the good bits forward. Just love the image of the truck backed up to the ramp. And yes, aren’t we all taking onboard that January can be a dry month, fingers crossed for Feb.

  • On 19/01/2013 sharon said:

    and laugh about the bad bits later with the benefit of the distance of time! whole family will be on a horse tomorrow, including dad, which has some of his mates thinking they might come along as well just for that sight (he is normally mounted on red honda horsepower, not the four legged kind) Will be more people than cows at this rate (and mum can slink off home when her bum gets sore?!!)

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