From the blog

Meeting the Minister when you’re 3 or 5….

Lots of learning in eKindy happens in real life instances. This week, Adelaide & Hamish’s learning included a little about […]

Posted on February 21st, 2013

An eKindy day….

Adelaide is in her kindy year and will turn four at the end of May. Like Hamish, who participated in […]

Posted on February 17th, 2013

I’m just so goddam proud!!

Tess has been gone just over a week now. We’ve had a few Facetime calls, some facebook messaging and a […]

Posted on February 15th, 2013

Run, run as fast as you can…..

……you probably can catch me because I’m not the gingerbread man! Loving the early mornings at the moment. The 30 […]

Posted on February 13th, 2013

Sharing the experience….

Recently we have shared a little of what is involved in running a beef grazing business with a delightful vet […]

Posted on February 8th, 2013

Texas Bound…

An early start in our household this morning, as Tess had a plane to catch….one that will arrive in Houston, […]

Posted on February 7th, 2013