This year we hosted Christmas for 18 on the Mystery Park Verandah.
In the days leading up to Christmas Eve, there was a lot of cleaning and scrubbing.

 There was much mowing, trimming and raking, plenty of baking and some smoking of bacon and hams as well. I must admit to using a little Santa bribery to keep the troupes working ….. 

Of course Santa noticed how hard everyone had worked and how well behaved we’ve all been and delivered lots of goodies to the household,
Having extended family to share the joy of Christmas made the morning even more delightful.

As expected, everyone apart from Eliza was up bright and early. The rowing machine that Santa delivered to our cousins provided an early morning work-out for most. 
Sibling rivalry is certainly alive and well as we all endeavoured to do show off our strength and speed!

 The official present sharing was a rowdy affair. I imagine most households were similarly strewn with ripped wrapping paper, sticky tape and packaging. Ours was equally noisy, with kids squealing in delight and lots of hugs and cuddles and copious thank-yous.

 The food was abundant and had a mostly homegrown feel about it. Our first home butchered pig was a crackling success. On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a Boned out Rolled Pork Shoulder Roast with Bacon & Sage stuffing, Apple Sauce, Sweet potato and pumpkin harvested from the garden alongside Hasselback potatoes and some greens. Following the traditional Ham and Poached eggs for breakfast on Christmas Day, we feasted on mud crabs, smoked ham, Grandma’s Roast Turkey and Uncle Blair’s flat steak with an array of salads for lunch. We shared some of our homemade ricotta with homegrown tomatoes on store bought puff pastry as well.
It was all finger licking good.
The remainder of the afternoon was spent catching up with loved ones, dodging water pistols and splashing in the pool. As you can see, the air compressor in the shed had a work-out!
Our Boxing Day was authentically Australian.
Amongst reading some of the books gifted to us, time was spent in front of the television watching the Fourth Cricket Test, crab pots were set in the creek and backyard cricket was played until poor light ceased play.
This morning we rose feeling relaxed. Grateful for friends and family and the very Merry Christmas we’ve just enjoyed.

May your Christmas have been equally as Merry and I hope your day was filled with love, laughter, friendship and food.

Like most on the land, tomorrow we will return to looking after our livestock and land.
My prayers continue for those who are still looking for that elusive break in the season, surely it will be delivered early in the  New Year.

Oh, and we will all strap on our running shoes and keep on running ….. that homegrown pig may be finger licking good but he certainly wasn’t lean!

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