Last Thursday we (3 small schools in the area along with a handful of children enrolled in Distance Education) gathered at the St Lawrence Wetlands for the annual inter school Cross Country.
Wetlands being an appropriate description as this event was scheduled for the week before but a welcome deluge caused it to be postponed. While the running track had dried out nicely during the week, I think a few of the longer distance runners came home with wet socks!
Recent rain also meant it was humid and hot.
 Parents and grandparents gathered to encourage and cheer the little ones home.
All of those kids put there heart into the race. No matter whether they were first or last.
They all listened carefully to instructions …..

….. and took off at a rate of knots as the starter gun fired.

I’ve been running for quite a while now. It started with a goal to run 5km in the Bridge to Brisbane  last year. It has been a very personal journey, as I have never been a ‘runner’. Now I’m addicted, and run most mornings. It’s good for me on so many levels. The kids run with me some days, as part of their lead up to cross country. In April, I have a personal goal to run 100km aggregate for the 30 days. Sharing this goal with the kids, I hope, shows them that while winning is a thrill, the real reward is in achieving a goal.
 I love these photos of Hamish running … for me it shows the concentration and determination to run his best race …..
…. and then be justifiably proud of his efforts.

All four of them should be proud.
Between them, we had a sportsmanship award and two seconds. 
Adelaide smiled the whole way.
No matter, how hot and how hard it may seem while running ….
you always feel great afterward. 
Your mother is always right, isn’t she!

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