It must be the age, but these little kids never tire of a picnic.
On most occasions I let them pack the esky themselves. They always pack the essentials: tea bags, pannikins, bread, cold meat, an array of spreads (jam, syrup and peanut paste) and loads of fruit. Being kids, it isn’t often packed neatly but I know we won’t go hungry..
These picnics are always tied into work of some kind and on this Saturday, it was in between shifting two different mobs of cattle into their respective “fresh” paddocks.
Just happened to be convenient that this creek was in between those two “jobs”…..

And I’m sure I don’t need to write about how attractive that water is…….
especially to a nine year old boy……
We’ve been very fortunate to enjoy excellent seasons for the past two years and this spring fed creek has not stopped running. And apart from a couple of days after torrential rain, it always runs this clear.

Crystal clear……

Now while the kids play, it is a special time for Dad to catch up with Eliza….today she shared stories of her recent travels to Brisbane. 
 Fortunately(for the washing lady!) it is Winter and the water was a little cold for splashing or diving or swimming so climbing was the “thing to do”.

After witnessing Tess’s sailing adventure, I couldn’t help but think that they were practicing for the topgallant yard and a future Young Endeavour trip!

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 2/08/2012 sharon said:

    it always comes back to the washing doesn’t it! love love that creek, how lucky you – and the kids – are! don’t blame their love of picnicing there, what a blessing that will be when the weather warms up!

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