We had a couple of false starts last week, with Eliza coming down with a viral rash commonly known as Roseola. This meant our planned and much anticipated trip to the Ekka was shelved.
Initially there were heavy hearts all round. 
Spirits quickly lifted when an invitation was extended to us to join a droving trip with friends.
Aside of the boss drover and his capable wife, the team on horseback had youth on it’s side.

 The assignment being to move steers from one property to another in preparation for sale. A distance of 38km to be ridden, with a overnight camp out mid way.
Something that most little kids can only dream of….
Tents were pitched, swags were rolled out and stew accompanied by damper was shared around a warm campfire. 
Being the middle of winter, plenty of frost settled around the camp come daylight.
(That may be the reason I declined the campout invitation, bringing Eliza & Adelaide home to their warm bed, leaving Rob & the boys to experience the camping in its entirety!)

 Although the Ekka is a iconic event that we hope to visit again next year, I’m not sure that our little people missed it at all..
And if you are ever looking for a droving team, this crew are highly recommended!

There are 5 comments on this article:

  • On 14/08/2012 sharon said:

    holy smokes, are all of those kids from just two families, or did they bring in some extra child labour from other parts? whatever the case may be, I bet they had the BEST time ever (although boss drover is a better man than me, managing all of those kids AND a mob of steers!)

    and Ainsley, I’m with you…frosty mornings and swag camping doesn’t sound all that inviting!

    Hope Eliza recovers soon…and Ekka smekka, it will be there next year, the droving trip mostly liking a once only experience!

  • On 15/08/2012 Ainsley said:

    Oops, not enough detail in my post, kids are from 4 families!!!

  • On 15/08/2012 Trudy said:

    I love the girls running….a fantastic experience.

  • On 15/08/2012 letters from the country said:

    We were SO GLAD the McArthurs could join us! Your pictures are fantastic Ainsley and what a great group of kids..no complaints all weekend! Thank you!

  • On 15/08/2012 Ainsley said:

    The McArthur Team loved being part of the action Claire!
    I think the “boss” drover should schedule this as an annual event…

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