Last week-end, Andrew and I headed to Brisbane.  At ten, he wasn’t overly thrilled when I said that he was my “Valentine date”! 
While in Brisbane, he sat a scholarship exam at one of the boarding schools.
This is his final year of primary school, the final year of being educated at home, the final year of school on the verandah …. the year before he heads off to boarding school.
We haven’t made up our mind where he will go to school yet. At this point, it is about keeping the options open. 
Anyway, enough talk of boarding school.
There’s still a lot of learning to be done right here at home and of course lots of work to be done.
While I’m responsible for the literacy and numeracy side of the equation, his Dad takes on the afternoon session ….. the common sense side of the equation.
He’s a pretty conscientious type of student, either  way.
And takes all matter of tasks pretty seriously, whether it is repairing an old fence line …….
or helping out with a new one.
He steps up in the yards when need be and is a pro at working a gate in the pound.
Just a few days ago, he and Tess mustered, drafted and loaded cows out on their own.
Like all kids, he sometimes daydreams … even when he’s supposed to be doing Maths.
I never said he was perfect!
But he sure as hell is a great role model for his siblings.
I love these kids xx

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 21/02/2014 Ali said:

    Dear Ainsley,
    On the contrary, I would say the Daydream Quotient makes him completely perfect. We never know what he’s dreaming up – probably wonderful!
    All the best,

    PS Loving your bright, bright green in contrast to my white, white snow

  • On 21/02/2014 Fiona said:

    Enough talk of boarding school indeed!
    What a great young man you’re raising Ainsley, though perhaps Lach could use some advice on the bash of his hat.

  • On 22/02/2014 Maria said:

    They grow up too quick. Our year 6’er reckons he is staying at home next year. Sigh!! Our next generation of farmers.

  • On 23/02/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    Lovely post about dear Andrew…he’s such a lovely kid and we all know they’ll be fine its just us isn’t it, the mothers and the fathers watching them grow up so very quickly. Tx

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