Pheww, what a week! A week where we’ve had a lot of balls in the air, no big balls just lots of balls.

 I love Saturday, because at least you can drop the school ball….

We primped up the laying box drum for our hens this week. Hamish decided we should take a picture to record his learning for Miss Danielle.. A chook would have to be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever photographed – hard to get a flattering angle and they won’t sit still.

These little old dears might not be photogenic but they are certainly earning their keep. We have an abundance of eggs at the moment. The kids have also come home with a bucket of bush lemons and the first mulberries!
Our Mulberry Tree is only young but has enough fruit that some is making its way to the kitchen after the kids have their fill at the tree side.
Eggs + Bush Lemons + Mulberries = Mulberry Muffins
The muffin tin holds twelve…..there were none left after one smoko sitting.
The maths:    
Dad    2 & a half
Mum                1
Andrew            2
Lachlan            2
Hamish             2
Adelaide           2
Eliza             Half
Now if Tess was home, I would sacrifice my 1 muffin and have a piece of fruit instead. Then I wouldn’t have to run as far in the morning. Or I could make double quantity but then there wouldn’t be any mulberries left for mulberry pie. 
Eggs + Bush Lemons = Lemon Delicious
Some important milestones to record this week: Hamish lost his first tooth. He has beautiful little teeth so I was kind of sad to see this one fall out, won’t be long before the tooth fairy will be back again as that tooth has a very wobbly companion….
Now back to the maths:

Mulberry Pie + Exercise DOES NOT = Weight Loss

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 9/09/2012 sharon said:

    at first I thought that Eliza was asleep on dad’s tummy and I was all awww, but then nope, dad is trying to have 40 winks and she most certainly is not. Have forgotten about those baby days…and I have had my last first lost tooth here too…literally, it is lost on the lawn somewhere…letter has to be written to the tooth fairy. mulberries galore here as are the stained fingers and faces!

  • On 10/09/2012 Anne at Great Slamseys Farm said:

    mulberry muffins sound divine

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