Eliza is not a conventional crawler however her action is efficient and effective.
Never mind the seat of her trousers being worn away…
She has mastered a new skill this week but as you would expect didn’t fully perform the manoeuvre for the camera.
I’m sure you will get the idea though!

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 22/05/2013 sharon said:

    I think that was a head shake….why walk when this is so effective. Although you may need to get out the sewing machine and reinforce the bum of her pants! (some vinyl bum patches perhaps?!)

  • On 23/05/2013 Fiona said:

    That was a definite “no” Mum.
    Lucky you don’t have bindies.

  • On 23/05/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    They certainly have the McArthur stamp your children but they all have their own personality…I liked the shake of the head! Your baby is growing up…T

  • On 26/07/2013 The Drillers Wife said:

    I could send you Henry to try and get her up and away 😉 he’s started skipping this week. Will be 18 months in a couple of weeks- where do the years go? TDWx

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