Eliza has celebrated her first birthday. Like most babies on their first birthday, she did wonder why all the fuss. Of course, for her older siblings it was very important to make a fuss!
We were a bit disorganised on the day, but Eliza didn’t mind. She quite enjoyed helping the kids make birthday cards and wrap her presents….


And for the big kids, there is nothing quite like wrapping presents to unwrap presents….

The most entertainment came from Hamish creating a hat out of the excess homemade wrapping paper.

Eliza was fascinated. Hamish’s headgear left the poor old Fisher Price toy for dead.

Of course, a birthday wouldn’t be complete without a cake. In typical McArthur fashion, this was devoured along with a whole pawpaw, a whole honeydew, one pineapple, 5 kiwi fruit and a punnet of blueberries. And that was afternoon tea……

Happy Birthday Eliza Kate! We will make a fuss of you everyday…

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 17/11/2012 Fiona said:

    Happy Birthday beautiful girl.

  • On 17/11/2012 Trudy said:

    Happy Birthday little one….

  • On 17/11/2012 sharon said:

    oh she is so delicious. If only they came out like that I’d have a few more 😉 I don’t know how you keep the food supplies up in your house, if that was just smoko…

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