We’re on our winter recess now. Can you believe that half the school year is complete? Despite the hiccups and changes of a new curriculum, we have survived and the kids are literally flourishing. The learning and progress that occurs never ceases to amaze me! So now for two weeks we have put away Thrass charts, Magic words, Landcare projects, Spelling lists, Storytelling, Oral Language rosters and Blackboard routines to enjoy a school break and engage in some real life adventure learning…
And as we packed away our Unit work, we were lucky enough to have our Distance Ed teachers visit a community hall to conduct a school cluster.
The children’s teachers bedazzled us with loads of science.

Before any experiments began, they ensured safety glasses were donned.
The children were immersed in scientific happenings…

atoms and polymers,

transparancy and opaqueness,

slime and water crystals,

and graphing.

They learnt about Roy G Biv and his rainbow connections.
Hamish & Adelaide embraced taking turns, sharing and learning as they joined in with the “school kids”. 
There was time for mates, 

time for listening,

and time to be entranced and fascinated with chemical reactions…

Mums had time to debrief on a Home Tutoring job well done,
while kids of all sizes  learnt some soccer skills

in their lunch break!

It was a great way to finish Semester One – just look at the size of the grins on these two!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 23/06/2012 Fiona said:

    Enjoy your break Ainsley.
    What’s young Adelaide done to herself this time?

  • On 24/06/2012 Ainsley said:

    Happy Holidays to you as well Fiona. As for Adelaide, the perils of being 3….

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