……through the Ironbark and far away!
This morning, while having breakfast on the verandah, we spotted father Emu and his four chicks parading through the Front paddock.

So later in the day, when I spotted this little family heading home for lunch, I couldn’t help but think of a nursery rhyme!

Meanwhile, the biggest chick had the day off to do some “town” jobs while the littlest chick was content to have a sleep in her cot…

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 2/12/2012 sharon said:

    gosh Rob does well to go out with all of them solo…how does he feel being compared to an old daddy emu?! 😉

    I am flat out coping with two that can ride by themselves, let alone dragging angus on a lead rope (yes, he is old enough to ride by himself but until now hasn’t been interested – he starts singing every time he gets plonked on a horse! and sometime dancing which gives the horse a perplexed look! – as well as a pony shortage)

  • On 2/12/2012 Ainsley said:

    I did tell him that this was going on the blog in between my giggles!!

    We’ve just done a swap of horses between Adelaide & Hamish. Suitable ponies are treasure, aren’t they? Hamish is only just off the lead too, and the change of horse worked wonders with this.

  • On 2/12/2012 Jane said:

    Hi Ainsley. sweet post. Is four chicks a lot for an emu? have a happy week ahead. Jane x

  • On 6/12/2012 Ainsley said:

    Hi Jane, we have seen the emu with four or five chicks in previous seasons. We don’t have a lot of emus here unlike those to the west of us. Take care!

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