This week is the  annual Clermont ICPA Sports Camp, a golden sporting opportunity for children in Years 4 to 7. Both Andrew and Rob are participating in their second camp…..Rob has volunteered to be a parent carer.
Lachlan is 7 and 2 full years away from attending his first camp and he is a little sad about that. 

So much has been made about filling the gap in management left by Dad and Andrew.
It doesn’t take much to sway this child, and he has relished the opportunity to take on a senior role amongst the little people as well as an extra load of chores and general property errands.
Dad left him on Sunday with instructions about water pumps,

cows that need checking,

mobs that need to be rotated into fresh pasture,

and recording that needs to be done.

All these roles and responsibilities to fill, while still doing his school, has meant early starts…….
…..and late finishes.
 He’s halfway through the challenge, and with Hamish as his offsider, they’ve successfully crossed off most things on the todo list.

One thing is for sure, everyone is sleeping well at night cause Dad has pretty big boots to fill…..

There are 4 comments on this article:

  • On 28/08/2013 Kirsty said:

    O wow. You must be so proud of Lachlan – that’s a lot of responsibility! I love the photos giving a glimpse into your life – and that sunset is stunning!

  • On 29/08/2013 sharon said:

    I like that Rob is there with the nikko pen, numbering or writing ON and OFF on the write spot…is that for Lachlan or Mum’s benefit? 😉 ( my husband likes to give me the detailed how it works version, rather than the simple, press that, turn this version!)

  • On 29/08/2013 Fiona said:

    Must be quite the holiday for you at home with only four little’uns Ainsley.
    What good little helpers you have.

  • On 3/09/2013 Vanisha @ Vanishas Life In...Australia said:

    I don’t have children but I am very impressed with your little one! What a wonderful family you have and the photos provide such a lovely insight into your life xoxox

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