2013 School Class : 
Andrew Year 5
Lachlan Year 2
Hamish Prep
Adelaide eKindy
Eliza has now graduated to the School of “Doing what Dad does”.
As was so eloquently put by a fellow Home Tutor tonight, we don’t have a school routine but rather a rhythm. 
Every child plays a different role in the ensemble.
Sometimes I feel like I’m doing the two step jive rather than waltzing gracefully through the day!
How I miss the carefree summer holidays….

There are 7 comments on this article:

  • On 4/02/2013 sharon said:

    you deserve a medal…nay, a halo! Hows Eliza enjoying being Dad’s offsider?!

  • On 5/02/2013 Ainsley said:

    Sharon, she is loving it! Another of my kids who prefers the outdoors…We’ve had to coat her in insect repellent though.

  • On 5/02/2013 Anne @GtSlamseysFarm said:

    It sounds incredibly hard work but great fun sometimes as well.

  • On 5/02/2013 Fiona said:

    The two-step jive sounds far more fun than the boring old waltz … so easy for me to say though! Wishing you all a most successful year in the school room.

  • On 5/02/2013 Sarah said:

    Sounds like a lot of fun and hard work! Do you home school your children? I have so many questions!

  • On 5/02/2013 Ainsley said:

    Our children are educated through Distance Education which is a similar concept to home schooling. It certainly is hard work and time consuming but it is also extremely rewarding and fun! Happy to answer questions!!

  • On 6/02/2013 letters from the country said:

    Hope it’s a great year in the school room Ainsley!

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