Friday afternoon heralds the end of the school week.
For the kids, it means they can immerse themselves in a world of uninterrupted play.
Right now, that world of play is a role play of our real life: mustering cows, drafting cows, selling cows and buying cows…..
I, on the other hand, am happy to escape the schoolroom and venture outside to do a garden inspection.
The first signs of spring are well established, with peaches set ……
……. and young mulberries formed.
With the Home Tutor/school teacher hat cast to the side, I can now focus completely on what is happening in the paddocks…..
…..from the saddle. One of the best vantage points, I’d say!
And when the sun begins to drop too low on a Friday evening, I feel content, knowing there is a whole two days of school less days ahead…..
Hooray for the week-end, I say!

There are 6 comments on this article:

  • On 10/08/2013 Ali said:

    Beautiful Ainsley.

    Your writing took me to your Outback weekend for 5 minutes!

    Best wishes

  • On 10/08/2013 Ainsley said:

    Happy to share Ali!

  • On 10/08/2013 Nik said:

    Beautiful pictures. I could smell that lovely horsey smell from here

  • On 10/08/2013 Ainsley said:

    Thanks Nik, I also like the smell of cows along with horses. of course…

  • On 10/08/2013 sharon said:

    are you left handed Ainsley? (looking at your rein holding hand)

    I don’t do Distance Ed, but I look forward to Friday arvo’s too. Although that said on some busy weekends I cannot wait for Monday to roll around!

  • On 10/08/2013 Ainsley said:

    Right handed Sharon, need my best hand to hold the camera!

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