A few years ago I had a whole pumpkin that had gotten old and soft. I threw it holus bolus into the soon to be built veggie patch. It rotted, and its seeds germinated. We had a bumper crop. (That pumpkin vine has continued to evolve and still bears pumpkins although it has kind of transplanted itself outside the garden fence
But from that original bumper crop we had surplus.
Courtesy of cattle kids and chaos, we always have a couple of pigs on feed. Pigs love pumpkins, and so we fed the pigs the surplus pumpkin crop. Each day we wash out the pig sty. You can imagine what has flourished in the sludge washed from the pig sty.

And so, once again we have a bumper crop of pumpkins and they are of course truly organic….

We also have hens, about 16 at the moment. We’re collecting around a dozen eggs a day which works quite nicely for a family of eight. Excess can always be shared amongst friends. (Along with pumpkins of course!)

Which brings me to the pumpkin scones. A great way to make use of pumpkin and eggs. And the perfect accompaniment to home made guava jam.

Smoko is big in our family. It’s noisy and messy until all the food is gone.
and then the kids disappear ….

There really is no such thing as a surplus in a ‘cake a day’ household!

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 14/08/2013 Fiona said:

    Unfortunately my five hens are producing one egg every third day, which as you can imagine, isn’t quite working out for us. With no breakfast here that doesn’t involve eggs, it’s time for a cleansing I feel and new poultry investment.
    Chicken stew anyone?

  • On 17/08/2013 Trudy Mace said:

    I haven’t made pumpkin scones in ages Ainsley…they are my absolute favourite! Look at Eliza there all over eating by herself…such capable children you have, albeit hungry ones. I have two chooks and as you know one is off the lay occasionally, actually 4 days in 7 so it isn’t exactly working for us either. Buying free range organic eggs from town is expensive…time for a bigger chook pen! I didn’t say that…

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