Some more wet weather hasn’t deterred the mustering plans this week-end. With the weaners all contentedly grazing grass our attention turns to their mothers and more importantly their pregnancy status! An important task as we gather information on how many calves we can expect later in the year.
Rob relishes the week-ends – school is out and he has a couple of extra hands to help muster. Eliza was keen to sit up in the saddle today, will be a while before she is able to reach these stirrups though!
These boys will find an adventure or game in most places…..
They were “called” to order fairly promptly when horses were unloaded off the truck in the prescribed paddock and were ready to go…
Once mounted, they both seemed to gain focus on the task at hand…. mustering cows…..
Now to find these cows, scattered amongst the timber, trying to find some shelter from the drizzly rain.
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