….. that it is Friday. Hip, hip hooray,  schools out!
 While in our business it really is a seven day a week job (one that we love doing, mind you!), Friday afternoon does prompt us to take a deep breath and count our blessings. I’m hoping for some time in the pool with the kids this week-end, in between a little mustering and fencing.
Also feeling grateful to  have had success with our Tropical Peach Tree, organically grown mind you. The biggest pest being little hands picking fruit before it had ripened. While they’re not huge fruit, the peaches are sweet and fleshy. 
Peaches in late October, a taste of early summer.
My third grateful, is time in the garden. I’ve got big dreams for our backyard this summer. 
To quote Walt Disney:
 ‘If you can dream it, you can do it”

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 1/11/2014 sharon said:

    that last photo is just a divine little spot in your garden. I don’t think I have any spots like that in mine….maybe when it rains again I’ll be motivated to replant some prettiness rather than resolving that just the toughest will survive. Amazing no matter how much you water, the ground is just so dry. Nothing beats Mother Nature’s watering.

  • On 2/11/2014 CountryMouse said:

    You are so lucky on many counts … what a nice view that pool is and those peaches look delicious and also what a beautiful part of your garden.

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