Last Thursday, we donned all that is red, and headed to Emerald for our school’s Athletics Carnival.
A four am start didn’t seem to deter the enthusiasm of our little wannabe athletes. We all marched, ran, jumped, lifted, threw and smiled our little hearts out.
Even Eliza wanted to be part of it. She’s in training for her first enrolled year which I think is 2016!?

The eKindy kids, with the wonderful organisation of their teachers, were able to participate in an age specific program, alongside the athletics proper.
Adelaide ran her hardest and brought home a red ribbon.
Those kindy kids certainly took the prize for the cutest athletes of the day!
They lined up to jump, throw, skip and play, all the time learning about taking turns, listening to instructions and interacting with their peers.

Hamish has moved on from eKindy and is now taking this competition much more seriously as a Preppie.
Although when the camera is pointed his way, he can manage a smile, no matter how fast he’s running!

He hasn’t a lot of genetic strength in the high jump….something we can all have a giggle about!
When someone ties your leg to your mate and expects you to run 50m, you just have to remember it is 
all in the name of participation and fun….
Lachlan, has the strongest competitive streak amongst our lot at the moment. He was full of focus and strategy…

….that was rewarded with a blue ribbon.

That was enough to keep the smile on his dial as he tackled the blessed high jump bar 

The nearly ten year old boy in the family had a more hectic schedule. This year he was eligible to run the 800m and 200m along with his sprint. He then backed up to run in the relay.

In between runs, he spent some time throwing around a shot-put. No ribbons just a load of experience to bring home!

When not engaged in competition, the time was spent knocking around with your mates. Gatherings of Distance Education kids are all about social interaction…..
For both parents and children….

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 17/06/2013 Ali said:

    Dear Ainsley,

    Greetings from the alps! I always adore your posts, your photos, your humour – you sharing your life. It’s splendid, and it makes me proud to be an Australian!

    Best wishes
    Ali in Switzerland

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