We were lucky enough to have Lisa Clarke, a photojournalist with ABC Open, visit last Sunday for an afternoon of snapping.
In our household we seem to have plenty of keen photographers ……
…. broken wings and all.
It also seems we have a few keen models.
No subject escaped the cross hairs of our view finder.

I have a wide angle lens that I hadn’t quite been able to master.  With Lisa’s guidance, it is all that I have shot with for the whole afternoon. I think it may be my favourite lens now.

We pulled the tripod out to experiment with motion and again it seems the models were willing.

I’ve been guilty lately of leaving the dslr sitting in the office and snapping with my iPhone then micro blogging through Instagram. 

Like many things in life, there is reward in slowing down and taking time to do things the ‘proper’ way. Don’t they say, convenience comes with a price?

While the kids enjoyed the photography class, they soon dropped tools to race up and down the track.

Apart from Tess, of course. 

It was her last Sunday at home for a while with University now resumed and her final semester underway.

The sun settled over the range as we all enjoyed the golden hour.

A few mosquitoes buzzed in but with grass growing and abundant moisture, we have little complaint.

There are 6 comments on this article:

  • On 5/03/2014 sharon said:

    snap! I was just thinking about investigating a wide angle today. Although I do find it hard to go past my favoured middle sized zoom… And also agree re micro blogging. Both are as effective I guess, but I have to say I did enjoy picking up the dslr now that its back working again. Although I do love the old iphone for portability and instant-ness of snapping!

    Love the little posers – and that Rob was in the thick of the creativity as well.

  • On 5/03/2014 Ainsley said:

    I think Rob’s hidden talent is his creativity! Shame his wife doesn’t share the dslr 😉 Good thing the iPhone is so versatile!

  • On 5/03/2014 Anne Wheaton said:

    Fabulous photos. Happy days.

  • On 5/03/2014 Fiona said:

    I think the more photos you take, the more you realise the importance of lighting and just how magical that last hour of the day is. Shame it’s also the time of day when you’re usually chasing milkers, moving irrigators, feeding pigs, chooks, dogs and horses and calling kids to get inside for a bath! Doesn’t leave a lot of room for artistic development.
    Hope Tess’ last semester runs quickly and smoothly.

  • On 6/03/2014 Lisa Clarke said:

    Wow, these shots are absolutely amazing! You should be really proud. I’m so glad that you feel comfortable with your wide angle now. What a great group of models to work with too 🙂

  • On 7/03/2014 Trudy Mace said:

    Check out Adelaide with hands on hips and Eliza looking like she is doing some dance moves…good on you Ainsley, it sounds like Lisa had some fun with you guys too.

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