….since last Sunday? The afternoon after the Pony Club camp, when we walked away from all our mundane chores and helped Dad yard up some cows? And then enjoyed the warmth of the autumn light as the sun set over the hills….everyone with a camera in hand cause we had a school photography competition to enter!
Is it really Monday again? Do we have On-Air lessons tomorrow starting at 7.30, Guided Reading for one, Oral language for another and kindy for the littlest student?
Has 6 days past since our local sports? Has it been that many days since Andrew was down with a head cold and it is still circulating through our family?
Was it only last Tuesday that I saw these lovely girls? Will I be lucky enough to bump into one or two of them again this week?

Was it only last Wednesday that Tess left for the Horse of the North Challenge and Rob went just as far in the other direction and the kids and I unloaded all of this while juggling that On-Air lesson timetable?
Was it only 5 days ago that we cut out all those sight words that tomorrow we must recall?
Was it only Friday, that  those trucks rolled in over the grid to deliver some more cattle? Did it really rain on Wednesday, yet dust billows up and toward the house just 2 days later?

Was it only Friday afternoon that Andrew made that huge Orange Cake yet we were left with just crumbs after smoke on Saturday?

 Did we really eat all of this Lemon Pie (with a dollop of cream of course!) on Saturday night while watching Harry Potter (again)? And didn’t I just clean the oven and now it has crumbs accumulated on the bottom?

Is it really that time of year again, when the orange tree starts to blossom and the last of the fruit drops off…..
……..the bougainvillaea begins to flower in full glory and the lawn needs mowing a little less often?
Is this really Andrew’s 6th Junior Beef Show at the end of the month and our family’s 8th? Will this little man really turn ten in a few short weeks?
 Is it only this morning that these two walked out, hand in hand, to feed the led steers and turn out the milker and now they are fast asleep in bed?
They tell me it’s all true!
The clouds have danced tonight on a beautiful sunset….
It really has been a perfect end to another perfect week xo

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 2/06/2013 sharon said:

    am sure you sleep well at night Ainsley, its been a busy week!

  • On 2/06/2013 Fiona said:

    And yet when someone asks “what do you do all day”?, it’s sometimes difficult to answer.

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