The school holidays are here! 
Our schoolroom door is firmly closed and I have  put my ‘teacher’ voice away to be just Mum.
Time to lose a little of the routine, and wake up with the ‘what can I do today?’ thought in my mind.
I just love that I can enjoy Eliza & Adelaide more as well ….. 
Day 1 of the holidays we discovered the pantry cupboard was quite bare and alarmingly Eliza had only 3 Huggies nappies left in her drawer. A trip to the city was high on the agenda…..

With Superdad willing and able to come with us and a little ‘holiday’ feeling in the house, we detoured through Yeppoon. 
Seems this lot don’t get out much, cause even though it was high tide at smoko they were thrilled to watch the waves crash over  rocks. I was content to drink my cappuccino while the kids watched the jet skis, kayakers and seagulls.

Amazing how the salt air washes away the stresses of the ordinariness of life.
Love the giggles and smiles and declarations of “best day ever” and the fact that I had the headspace to enjoy and hear the banter.

 For lunch we headed to the Mercure Resort knowing that the Capricorn Food & Wine Festival was on. 
We enjoyed some food samples (did forego the wine sampling as we still had groceries to get!) and listened to Celebrity Chef, Massimo Mele’s, cooking demonstration.
Of course a day at the beach wouldn’t be complete without a swim. Today’s weather certainly lent itself to being wet.

Protests to leave the water were dulled with the bribe of an ice cream and we then tackled the grocery store before driving home.
Was certainly a wonderful way to make the ordinary a little extraordinary.
Lachlan declared the day ‘the best first day of school holidays ever!’
While this hot, dry spell is perfect beach weather, it ins’t quite as pleasant back at “Mystery Park”.
Wonder what the kids will declare tomorrow…….
The best working day ever?!

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 22/09/2013 sharon said:

    aren’t the simple things the best!

    is your creek still running? I reckon in the spirit of school holidays you should knock off early this afternoon and spend some time down there.

    Apparently we have a molasses run in our school holiday plans 😉

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