Movie mania has overtaken our school this week. Cohorts of children, teachers and Home Tutors have been very busy scripting, directing, filming, editing and producing movies.
Today we came together for the CSDE Movie Premiere.
The red carpet was rolled out and so many outstanding actors and actresses graced us with their presence…

Beginning with Snow White & Holly Hobbie

 On the “Day” the Cat in the Hat dropped by….

Woody was cheered and…

Cleopatra shone both in front and behind the camera…..
Red Riding Hood’s stamina was too good for the Big Bad Wolf. She and her sidekick Pocahontas moved behind the scenes to give the Home Tutors the edge in the upcoming cLoGiE awards….

Jim Craig rode in on his hardy mountain pony. He mixed with a Princess, Mermaids, Fireman Sam and Snow White.
Bob the Builder was in the crowd and I spotted Wendy as well.
Wizardry bought Harry Potter to Rockhampton. He’ll be busy in class at Hogwarts again tomorrow morning….

Costuming was bright and bold.
It truly was a star studded event!

I spotted these two famous faces in the cue for coffee after the formalities.

They may have had too many pre gala event wines the night before….

I would like to acknowledge and thank our wonderful teachers, Home Tutors, parents and classmates for pulling this together. Fun and challenging activities like this movie premiere, showcase the creativity in our school community and build wonderful bonds amongst us all.

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 9/08/2012 Fiona said:

    Almost makes me wish we were home-schooling. Almost!

  • On 19/08/2012 Ray Vella said:

    Looks like everyone had heaps of fun, even maybe a little too much lol!! Leah 🙂

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