My kids are all great eaters – right from the first offerings of baby rice cereal, their appetites have been healthy!
They also all like to help in the kitchen. And after the best part of a week away from home (think a diet of meat pies, fish & chips, soft drink and all the other nasty take away foods..) we were all pleased to be  back in our own kitchen with some fresh ingredients…..

Hamish voted that we make an Apple, Pecan & Gingerbread loaf from this month’s Delicous magazine (P64 if you have it lying around!!). Andrew thought it a great idea as well after hearing of the virtues of ginger to ward off any nasty colds and flus that may be lurking in the air.

It was super easy and like most cakes was devoured in one smoko session (most bush families can attest to a big smoko : ))
We have also been trying our hand at some decorative birthday cake ideas for Tess’s 21st, inspired by retromummy‘s baking. 
 As I said earlier, there are plenty of taste testers in this household to sample any practice runs….

Now Andrew hasn’t told me about any “flu fighting properties” of the butter cake. All I know is that I will have to run twice as far tomorrow morning.
That is before I try Fiona‘s comfort food…..

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