This week we welcomed Miss Bienek to our classroom. Tracey has many years of experience derived from her preceding time as a teacher based  in a School of Distance Education. She is now offering her talents on the other side of the fence in the form of a  Home Teacher Relief Service.
A little like Mary Poppins, she swept into our home last Sunday afternoon. With no time to waste, a brief assessment of the “school house”, the existing timetable and the telephone lesson schedule were made before bedding down in the cottage. All parties awoke fresh and  ready to start bright and early on Monday morning.
I initially thought that having someone in the schoolroom would mean that I would move mountains around the house, garden and office. And while I did relish getting most things in order again on the administrative side of our business, I certainly didn’t move those mountains around the house and garden. 
As well as taking the pressure off with the nominal delivery of lessons, Tracey had so much to offer with teaching tips and classroom ideas. This was immensely helpful and very motivating as I prepare to resume my posting on Monday.

This also gifted me with a little more time to spend playing with these two.
 Eliza is growing like a mushroom at the moment. Almost overnight, she has changed from a wee baby to a little person ready to explore the world. She’s sitting up now and has octopus arms. They are magical instruments for swiping and grabbing anything remotely at arm’s length!
Rob was excited by the extra help as well! He was quite fond of the idea  of me working alongside him for the week, which is a task I would have cherished. As is usually the case,  a baby and a pile of paperwork stood in our way. We did join him for lunch one day on the new fence line. With holes bored and wire strained now, it is looking like a job well completed.

Tracey has the kind of classroom wisdom that only years of experience can muster. She is channeling these skills into her Home Tutor Relief Service, which I’m sure will become a flourishing little business.
In true Mary Poppins style, the wind blew on Friday afternoon and our saviour was carried off in a cloud of dust. She is off to help the next family over at “On the Peninsula“…..

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 19/08/2012 sharon said:

    a week wouldnt have felt long enough! You should be able to access VISE teachers too, for up to 6 weeks a year I think?

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