Our school holiday days have been full ….. in a good kind of way.
A fortnight filled with the ordinary jobs. 
Don’t you love when people ask “What have you been up to?” and all you can do is  scratch your head and say “Nothing much!” but in reality you’ve been flat chat.
Tess has been home on her mid-semester break. 
Eliza has officially entered toddlerhood.
Thunderstorms raced through last Thursday ….. didn’t settle the dust here.
The house is a little less dirty than it was a fortnight ago.
We’ve eaten.
We’ve shared our dreams, planned our days and laughed about our misfortunes.

We’ve ridden miles on our horses.
Steers have been sold.
Weaners have been weighed.

And today we had the day off! 

That’s the wrap of the September school holidays!


There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 7/10/2013 Anne Wheaton said:

    These are the sort of days you remember in years to come. Nothing beats that.

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