Tess has been gone just over a week now. We’ve had a few Facetime calls, some facebook messaging and a few moments on Instagram. If you would like to follow her adventure a little more closely than take a look at her journal recorded under the guise of “iconic cowgirl”. 
It is just brilliant and I’m not biased…..

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 15/02/2013 sharon said:

    I’ve read it so far, and can’t wait to see more (and when she’s worked out how to add pics even better) Not sure how she has time, seems to be very busy.

    and sounds like you are about busting with pride…what a great representation of our country’s bush “kids” she is giving. Good on you and Rob! (its all down to the parenting of course!)

  • On 16/02/2013 Trudy said:

    She is a class act Ainsley and Rob, every right to be so proud!

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