With the shorter days, comes bluer, more interesting skies. 
The change of season hit us abruptly at the beginning of the week but that little cold snap has now given way to more typical warm days and crisp nights.
We’re well established back into that familiar routine of afternoon rides, moving cattle on.
Adelaide sometimes has trouble getting the sometimes hungry gutted Holly to keep looking up …..
As like most, she somehow believes the grass always seems greener on the other side …..
…. while I firmly believe it has something to do with what lens you’re looking through!
While we haven’t got a horse or saddle for Eliza yet, she seems happy enough being mates with the Jane, our working ‘house’ dog.

Jane, unlike Holly, is happy to look up at the sky as she’s not terribly interested in the grass.

If you don’t look up occasionally, you’ll miss the magic that is happening all around us.

There is 1 comment on this article:

  • On 11/05/2014 sharon said:

    definite autumn/winter skies, amazing how the lighting changes to quickly from harsh summer light to soft winter light. In a matter of days poof!

    Thankfully the cold snap has passed up here too (for now). Good thing as fire wood supplies are low and the chain saw wielder seems reluctant to fire it up!

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