The homegrown, organic, raised naturally, clean eating model is alive and well in our backyard.
In order to have year round supply of fresh suckers for the freezer we decided to invest in a breeding sow.
After a couple of week-ends building a new ‘sow’ pen, Sunday it was finally stockproof and
ready for a very expectant Mama Pig 2 to make her ‘nest’.
So a couple of kids and I set out in the truck to visit the local breeder’s of the Berkshire Breed of pig over at Cattle, Kids and Chaos and collected daughter of Mama Pig, Mama Pig 2.

Now while Rob is quite skilled at mustering and handling livestock, he hasn’t had a lot of prior experience with the porky kind. 
However he quickly learnt that food was a sure fire way to this darling’s heart!
 She bravely followed the bucket of feed into her new home.
Mama was content to eat while the team all introduced themselves,

Some of us tried to guess her weight and we recorded her arrival
on Instagram!
She has settled in nicely although she’s made a request to the yard design crew for some shade as the days warm …… oh, and a nice round bale of hay to furnish the birthing suite….

 We offered excess milk and pumpkins if she continued to be so well behaved….

There are 2 comments on this article:

  • On 21/08/2013 Fiona said:

    What a lucky pig. I’m pleased you’ve named her Mama Pig, though admittedly I’ve called her many names before when she’s escaped her paddock.
    Wishing you a large and healthy litter.

  • On 22/08/2013 sharon said:

    heh heh, laughing at Fiona. Mama Pig Mark II looks to be well settled in, maybe even a little swimming/wallow hole to complete the luxury suite as well!

    And yes, porcines are easily trained with food! (in my vast experience 😉 and will even come to a whistle (which was a unexpected bonus, when our pig ran with the dogs!)

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