Summer is just around the corner and the days are hot. Today it was red hot…
We’re scrambling to sort cows and heifers before the end of the month – it is always nice to have December up our sleeve!
 Rob, Tess and the boys walked 550 odd heifers to a new paddock some 12 kilometres from the yards.

They were glad to see Eliza turn up in the smoko wagon with cold water.
After four days on School camp, Andrew was a little unseasoned to the hard work and maybe a little overtired?!

Tess has certainly put some miles under Big Ben.
Yes, she is not riding in a safe position as little kids pointed out.

With the heifers settled in their new paddock we settled in the bottom of the creek bed……
for some fresh honey cake and fruit along with a cup of tea.
Adelaide was obviously not riding and is dressed in her “baking” clothes….

As mentioned earlier, Andrew has been away for four days. There seemed to be quite a bit of jostling for pecking order as boys seem to do?!

That was until they found some rocks to skip across the water.

This left Dad in peace to contemplate the matings that will occur at the end of the week. Bulls go back out to work next Saturday.
Meanwhile this year’s crop of calves are growing nicely. Rain anytime soon would be perfect…it sure is hot enough to brew a storm!

There are 3 comments on this article:

  • On 24/11/2012 sharon said:

    if I did 12kms in this heat on bike or horse I think you’ve have to put an IV drip in me…and possible crane me off the horse (oiy my aching tail bone!) hope you catch a break in the weather, bloody awful here today too, although I wouldn’t really know much about it, having spent the day in the airconditioned comfort of the girls room, doing a well overdue cull of stuff.

  • On 24/11/2012 Fiona said:

    Storms have been a little too haphazard haven’t they … lightning to the west as I type. We’ve hay on the ground, so something bound to happen!
    Your team did remarkably well to handle the heat and the miles. And looks like one year olds enjoy their tea just as much as older year olds!

  • On 29/11/2012 Aqil R said: a family picnic so nice,
    wish can visit your farm someday..hahaha

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